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Terms and Conditions

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Your Details

  • Once your details have been entered into this website they will thereafter become accessible to the Croupier Jobs staff and prospective third parties; whom will contact you using the details that have been provided once compatible work becomes available.
  • The staff at Croupier Jobs may phone or send an email with the location, date and times of an event for your consideration.
  • Croupier Jobs may send out bulk emails to find croupier that are interested in any relevant work.
  • Any information that you provide to us is entered without obligation. You may withdraw from our communication at any time.
  • It is completely free to use the Croupier Jobs website in order to look for work opportunities.

Your Account

  • By using this website you agree that you will not make duplicate accounts; if you have an outdated account that you would like removed please inform the Croupier Jobs staff.
  • You agree to keep up-to-date (to the best of your ability to do so) any change of information to your own profile.
  • You agree not to enter offensive material.
  • Misuse of the Croupier Jobs website may result in suspension or termination of your account.
  • We reserve the right to remove your account at our own discretion at any time without prior notification.


  • Affiliated shop sites refer solely to the websites Poker Shop and Casino Shop.
  • London postcodes refer to: E, EC, N, NE, NW, SE, SW, W, WC


Finding Work

  • After you have registered your details with this site, Croupier Jobs or a third party will contact you with details about suitable offers of work. You are under no obligation to accept any offer and may withdraw from our communication at any time.

Booking & Cancellation

  • You may be contacted by someone to check your interest and availability for a potential date; confirming at this stage is not a formal contract.
  • Further details pertaining to the event/date discussed will be provided. Once you are happy with arrangements you can confirm that you will attend; at this stage you have entered into a contract with the other party.
  • If you cannot attend or wish to cancel for any reason, you should aim to give at least 48 hours notice to the other party in order to find another croupier. If possible you should organise a suitable replacement for yourself. This becomes particularly difficult during the middle of December or New Years Eve, so it is important to ensure that you do not compromise your integrity for future bookings by cancelling something that could cause someone else a very difficult problem.
  • After the formal booking stage it will be both parties' responsibility to notify the other of any changes that may occur.

Work Environment

  • The main emphasis of the croupier work environment is entertainment; there is a lot of interaction with the game players compared to real casinos and you are often in a party environment, so you should enjoy yourself without the regular casino pressures.
  • Most events only require 2 to 3 hours of actual consistent dealing time and they most often start between 8pm and 10pm in the evening. Since it is normally a short working period, breaks for the croupier are rarely planned. If it is absolutely necessary for a break then we appreciate that you must leave the table for any natural essential bodily needs.
  • Breaks are not guaranteed and are often dictated based upon circumstances; any special conditions must be confirmed prior to a booking. When dealing for more than 3 continuous hours a break should be provided to you.
  • If you require a break and have not been relieved from dealing you should contact the person responsible for this (using any agreed method prior to dealing if instructed to do so).
  • Prizes offered to the players are often of low value and whist we expect professional attention, we appreciate that mistakes occur because inspectors are not necessary to double check the prizes, and a lack of breaks can affect concentration.
  • In the case that you have additional timetable obligations, e.g. you must leave no later than a specified time, you should inform the other party prior to confirmation. Dealing start times may vary from what was agreed and you should allow for a delay of up to 30 minutes, after this you will be able to claim for overtime.


  • You will be expected to arrive at least 30 minutes prior to the actual starting time of any event; this will allow the organiser to discuss any essential details with you before dealing begins. This may include (but is not limited to): rest breaks, minimum bets, blank chip values, food, drink arrangements and prize details that players often ask about.
  • You must notify the person in charge (or a given contact) of any tardiness that is expected.
  • If you expect to be late to an event, then you should make every effort possible to keep the other party informed; if you arrive late the other party will have the right to adjust your rate of pay pro-rata. This means that if you are 30 minutes late for a 3 hour dealing time then 1/6th of the total wage can be deducted.
  • If you arrive late the other party have the right to view this as a breach of your contractual obligation; they may opt to reduce your rate of pay or turn you away if they have made alternative arrangements. In such cases travel expenses may be reimbursed.

Rates of Pay and Travel Expenses

  • It is possible that the organiser may be able train you in a game using a more experienced croupier to watch over you. This is particularly useful if you have low confidence or wish to build up experience in a live play environment. You can opt in for this service if it is something that would be useful; the other party would need to know your skill level for the game involved in advance. If you attend an offer and do not have the skills required the other party may reduce your pay accordingly and provide this service.
  • Rates of pay for working on any basic casino games vary between approximately £50 and £60 for approximately 2-3 hours work.
  • Knowledgeable Texas Hold Em Dealers tend to earn slightly more, usually starting at approximately £75; a policy Croupier Jobs initially introduced in 2003 when such skills were very rare and required that we trained croupier for the demand received at that time. Whilst supply has improved so has demand; the premium here therefore still applies.
  • Any extra hours you will work after the first 3 are usually paid at £10 p/hour, and when working for more than 3 consecutive hours a break is usually included.
  • Mileage is often only paid after you have travelled beyond 25 miles, and is paid at the rate of 10 to 20p per mile.
  • Unless the other party have agreed an alternative method of payment; this will be received after you have invoiced the relevant party involved. These details should be confirmed to you at the booking stage of your arrangement with the other party.
  • You should allow up to 7 days from the date you expected to receive payment for the funds to arrive before following it up.


  • If you are not currently in any other kind of employment and you are unable to claim unemployment or low income benefits because you look after children full time, or that your household income is above the limit to receive such benefits, there is an Inland Revenue form available to declare that you do not earn above the basic allowance, and that you can legitimately earn up to a designated amount for each tax year without any obligation to pay tax.
  • If you are unable to take advantage of the above exemption, Croupier Jobs will require you to provide us with an invoice; usually we can provide a blank form to be completed on the night of work and payment is usually processed via the Bank Automated Clearance System (BACS) within 7 days; however, if you would prefer an alternative method of payment, Croupier Jobs are open to discussion and can usually accommodate to your preferences.


  • Men
    You will be expected to arrive in your own suitable "Black Tie" based attire; a dinner jacket with a white shirt and a black bowtie.
  • Women
    You will be expected to arrive in either a suitable black dress or in a pair of black trousers, a white blouse and bowtie.

Croupier Responsibilities

  • Your integrity is your own responsibility. Croupier Jobs appreciate that the unavoidable can happen, however in order to find you work consistently, we require a sense of reliability and composure throughout an offer.
  • You must keep all information on the website as accurate and honest as possible. Accurate contact information is necessary to provide you work. Inaccurate details may mean that your rate of pay for an offer is reduced.

Fun Casinos and Private Individuals

Passing You work

  • This service is offered to you completely free and may be turned on or off from your profile once you are logged in.
  • In such a circumstance where you have given Croupier Jobs the opportunity to pass relevant local work to you, if work is accepted you will agree to pay Croupier Jobs a rate of commission, which is to be determined before you receive further information.

Finding Croupier

  • The main service that Croupier Jobs can offer to Fun Casinos and Private Individuals is the opportunity to get in contact with freelance croupier of your chosen area(s) by purchasing their contact information.
  • In order to find a specific amount of croupier (such as for a one-off event particularly relevant to private individuals), you may purchase a specific amount at the agreed rate as shown on our prices. Croupier Jobs will then look to find available croupier and pass this information back to you.
  • By purchasing any postcode you are given access to view croupier within this area until your purchase period is terminated.
  • You may also be eligble for the local postcode offer (see below).

Croupier Details

  • Any information provided to you is as provided to Croupier Jobs. We accept no liability if any information is out of date or incorrect.
  • Croupier Jobs provides you with access to our database of croupier that are seeking work in exchange for an agreed fee. We accept no liability if you cannot find someone to fill a vacant spot; however, we aim to benefit the fun casino community and if you inform us of such a situation we can undertake to find a suitable croupier to fill any vacant spot from an alternative postcode.
  • You agree to inform Croupier Jobs immediately of any out of date contact information or duplicate accounts that you may discover.

Bookings & Cancellations

  • After contacting interested prospective croupier you must then confirm with them the details of the event:
    • Contact name
    • Contact telephone
    • Venue details
    • Expected dealing times
    • Rate of pay
    • Name of the company to invoice (if required)
    • When to expect payment
    • Any additional details that are important/required
    Once they have accepted these conditions you will have entered a formal contract and you should keep this communication for your records.
  • If a croupier wishes to cancel they should try to find a replacement and inform you of the change in circumstances.
  • If a croupier is late to attend to your event or unsuitable (they should arrive no later than 30 minutes prior to the start of the dealing time unless otherwise specified) it is up to your discretion of how to manage such an incident.

Croupier Payment

  • All payment information should be confirmed with the croupier before confirming a booking.
  • The standard rate that Croupier Jobs recommend for 3 hours dealing is £75.00 GBP for Texas Hold Em and £60.00 GBP for other games. After 3 hours dealing a break must be provided to the croupier and any overtime discussed with them.
  • You may wish to train a croupier that lacks an ability in a specific game using a more experienced croupier to watch over them. If such a service is provided, payment is left to your discretion.
  • If you find that a booked croupier lacks the skillset required, you may reduce their pay accordingly and/or offer them training.

Purchase Period

  • The purchases that you make on the Croupier Jobs website will last for a standard period of one full year from the date of the transaction. You will be granted immediate access from this point for one full year. For example; a period beginning on 3rd of August 2025 will expire at the end of 2nd of August 2026.


  • Discounts apply at our own discretion.
  • To become eligible for discounts on the Croupier Jobs website you must have since one year previous to the date of any purchase on the Croupier Jobs website, placed order(s) with a sum total of at least £100.00 GBP using our shop affiliated sites.
  • It is your own responsibility to provide up-to-date and accurate order reference numbers from our affiliated shop sites if you wish to receive a discount.
  • Shop affiliated order reference numbers will only count toward your combined sum total once they have been validated by a member of our staff.
  • The Croupier Jobs website will inform you whether or not you are eligible for a discount and any prices will automatically reflect this.
  • If you require any outstanding reference numbers to be validated before your purchase, please ask a member of our staff to do this for you.
  • You may also be entitled to your local postcode for free (see below).

Local Postcode Offer

  • This service is offered at our own discretion.
  • Local postcode entitlement is limited to the postcode that you provided upon registration only. You will be given access to this information for one year, as our standard policy allows. You may not change this information until the current period has expired.
  • The Local postcode offer is only applicable to those areas outside of the London postcodes. If you are eligible for this offer we may be able to provide you with an alternative local postcode nearby.
  • This offer will activate after your first purchase with Croupier Jobs.